“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are gone,
​either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” 


My Novel is Out. Yay!

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After 28 years I completed and published my novel, From a Distance. Available on Amazon today!

There’s a little story behind the cover. I decided to try Fiverr. Someone said you had to get an experienced person to do your cover so I found someone who had 4000+ reviews and some pretty good images. Well, that didn’t work out. I won’t go into details except to say that when you work with someone in Sri Lanka who doesn’t seem to understand what it is you’re looking for….

So I played around on Canva for awhile. My novel is about an artist and the thought occurred to me that since I was an artist I should try and paint what I envisioned for my cover. My aunt encouraged me to do it, saying it would mean so much to her. So I thought I’d at least give it an attempt. After several fails at watercolor I decided to try acrylics. This is the finished product.

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