“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are gone,
​either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” 


Category: Blog

  • Is true love and happiness just the carrot dangled in front of us?

    The possibility that we can find true love and happiness is the carrot dangled in front of us. It is the promise in every romantic comedy. We would be disappointed if it wasn’t. However, real life begs the question of whether we have placed our faith in fairytales. I know…

  • My Happy Place as a Writer

    For a long time I searched for my Happy Place as a writer and I didn’t find it. The reason I couldn’t find it was because I needed to create it. I needed to understand what this place is made up of. Most of all, I needed to identify the…

  • Getting Past the Fear

    Last night, at 4:00 a.m. I finally pressed ‘Send’ and submitted my first ten pages to the Oregon Christian Writes Manuscript Submission program. For $5.00 you can have an editor or agent look at your first ten pages when you attend the conference. They may or may not want to…

  • Why do you write?

    Recently I had someone ask me why people blog. I explored a few blogs to see what other writers are saying. If I were to sum it all up I would say we write for two reasons: ourselves and others–we want to give something to others and we want them…

  • A look at blog titles and focus

    Michael Hyatt just drew my attention to a couple of important issues for bloggers in his articles, Why I Stopped Reading Your Blogs, and Do You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog? Two things that stood out for me relating to blogging were the importance of catchy headlines, and…

  • When they don’t like you

    Recently I was on a blogger’s site where another blogger posted, in no uncertain terms, that he did not want this blogger to follow him. There was a lot of outrage in the following comments, but then I saw a comment that I thought was very appropriate. It went like…

  • Please like me. Please follow me.

    Last week I took Gretchen Rubin’s  Quiz: Do You Make Other People Happy? | LinkedIn. For those of you who don’t want to go to her site, here is the quiz: Do people seem to feel comfortable confiding in you? Do people seem to drift toward you? Join a conversation…

  • Boundaries? What’s that?

    I am very poor at setting boundaries. Not in every area, but when it comes to my time. There are things I really need to say no to, so that I can say yes to what is important, like my writing, for instance. But I have this tendency to bend,…

  • This blog is about writing

    This blog is about writing, in case you didn’t notice. I mean, what could give you a clue? Dewdrops on green leaves, maybe? This is my main site, and I’m so proud of getting my own name as the domain name. Well, pride isn’t really a factor, because it was…

  • A few more snags

    I’m trying to put widgets on my sites, but the ones I’ve imported are frozen. It happened when I tried to link to Facebook. They won’t open and they won’t move. I feel rather helpless, but maybe this will eventually sort itself out. I closed everything down and now I’ll…

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